Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Works of APART

Arturo APART
Arturo APART
Carlos APART
Above are six tormented artworks by the AP Art students. The rationale of this project was to take the fluffy and cute and horrify it. I think they succeeded admirably. The object was not just to make the familiar uncomfortable, but to capture the mood through color. 
 Trang's work was able to create a very real space and captured the horror with crude brushwork and monstrous color. Trang is a beginning painter as are most of the students taking the course. For many this course is their first encounter with real painting, thinking about color, the medium and it peculiar nature, scale of the project and all the other complexities that come with painting. Add in "wrong"content and the task may be staggering and overwhelming or turn into a mundane job with little feeling or investment. Adding adolescent humor into the mix allowed the students to probe the formal unknowns while having fun and feeling alittle edgy.
Carlos Ponce's Cookie Monster emerges from the black in an unnerving velvet blue.
Winnie never looked so happy as he dips deep into his bowl of...well, I'm not sure what it is, you'll have to ask the artist, but you must admit, the stark landscape is unsettling in its grays and greens, emphasized by the absence of detail makes for a very menacing Winnie. This painting's accomplishments are the product of another beginning painter. At the beginning of the year this student was terrified to pick up a brush. Now I think she might be somewhat offended that I categorize her as a beginner.
Mickey is in quite a bind. Arturo is one of our more accomplished painters. It is evident in his handling of the image, he is able to project ample animation and realism into his subject.He is also able to create convincing value and light source and still I would label him an intermediate painter because he still has much to learn.
Eddie's Mario was a labor of labor. He worked long and hard to get the color, expression and mood to his liking. Mario's confrontational gaze is  penetrating and uncomfortable. It is very successful in its modeling of the figure and the weightiness of the object. It is a solid, balanced composition and again the work of a beginning painter! 

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